Likit ve uzun süre stabil olması nedeniyle ilk ve tektir.
Kullanıma hazır
Kinetik ölçüm
Herhangi bir biyokimya otoanalizöründe tam otomatik olarak veya spektrofotometre ve eliza okuyucuda çalışır.
Uzun reaktif ömrü (şişe açılsa bile 1 yıl)
İnsan serumunda, heparinli plazmada, doku hemojenlerinde, semen plazmalarında, hücre kültüründe çalışabilmekte
Yüksek analitik performans
Yüksek hassasiyet
Yüksek linearite
Buffered Diluent
1 x 30 ml
Reagent 2 – Substrate
1 x 8 ml
Reagent 3 – Chromogen
1 x 15 ml
Suchocka Z, Swatowska J, Pachecka J, Suchocka P; RP-HPLC determnaton of Paraoxonase actvty n human blood serum; J of Pharmaceutcal and Bomedcal Analyss 2006; 42:113-119
Marchegan F, Marra M, Olver F, Cardell M, James RW, Boem M, Francesch C. Paraoxonase 1: genetcs and actvtes durng agng. Rejuvenaton Res. 2008 Mar;11(1):113-27.
Hofer Hofer SE, Bennetts B, Chan AK, Holloway B, Karschmkus C, Jenkns AJ, Slnk M, Donaghue KC. Assocaton between PON 1 polymorphsms, PON actvty and dabetes complcatons. J Dabetes Complcatons. 2006 20(5):322 -8.
Mackness MI, Harty D, Bhatnagar D, Wnocour PH, Arrol S, Ishola M, Durrngton P N. Serum paraoxonase actvty n famlal hypercholesterolaema and nsuln-dependent dabetes melltus. Atheroscleross. 1991; 86(2-3):193-9.
Horoz M, Aslan M, Selek S, Koylu AO, Bolukbas C, Bolukbas FF, Celk H, Erel O. PON1 status n haemodalyss p atents and the mpact of hepatts C nfecton. Cln Bochem. 2007;40(9-10):609-14.
Gur M, Aslan M, Yldz A, Demrbag R, Ylmaz R, Selek S, Erel O, Ozdogru I. Paraoxonase and arylesterase actvtes n coronary artery dsease. Eur J Cln Invest. 2006 Nov;36(11):779-87.
Aslan M, Koseck M, Horoz M, Selek S, Celk H, Erel O. Assessment of paraoxonase and arylesterase actvtes n patents wth ron deficcecy aneema. Atherosclerooss. 2007 Apr;191(2):397 -402. 8. Aslan M, Nazlgul Y, Horoz M, Bolukbas C , Bolukbas FF, Gur M, Celk H, Erel O. Serum paraoxonase -1 actvty n Helcobacter pylor nfected subjects. Atheroscleross. 2008 Jan;196(1):270-4.